
20160717-DSC_5596Oh my where has the time gone, cannot believe it has been couple months since I’ve last posted, it’s not like I haven’t had anything to post, just been scatterbrain. The photo above of Holly, her right leg (left one in real life, but saying it through the picture perspective to save confusion) has little patch of no hair due to recent operation she had, so don’t worry no other reason, its slowly growing back.

This picture is visual interpretation of my scatterbrain, ideas, interests, but it’s one big mess and slowly training my brain with techniques I’ve learnt from CBT therapy and ongoing help I will receive, as yes I suffer with manic depression as well as my other illnesses so battling with physical and mental health is constant battle, one I’m sure share more about in time as want my blog to be extension of myself, and know I have shared a lot before but I notice also go into my shell disappear for long periods of time, even now I’m anxious typing this thinking does anyone get what I’m saying, over thinking and also being honest will anyone read this, comment…

Can you relate in someway? lets have a chat.



4 thoughts on “Scatterbrain

  1. Yes I know what you mean! I think some of my problem is medication, I feel like I’m never really properly present. I also have this problem where I will be desperate to talk to people but then sometimes it takes a while to get the help and when they come I’ve normally just about got my head temporary right and then the person who’s helping trys to talk about it but I don’t want to loose that calm feeling so I close up but then later I need them lol

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    1. Omg yes definitely can relate, as something could change in next hour so for you that moment has passed when person has replied but then when alone have same problem again. Are you on new medication? Reason for not feeling present or strong meds can tell me mind my own business.x


      1. Yes I’m on medication, I’m on 100ml of amitriptyline I used to be on 200 and something but I said it wasn’t working and he put me on pregabalin but then that didn’t work so he put me back on amitriptyline I did try and say it doesn’t work again but he wasn’t in a good mood so I left it lol I’m also on Buprenophine i stick under my tong that goes into my blood stream when I can’t cope with my pain condition any more but I think my body’s started to get abit used to it now and it makes me throw up. The Dr gave me citalapram for depression/anxiety on top but I’ve mixed that before and had a really bad reaction I felt abit looney in my head but again they didn’t listen so I just done take it. I’m going to the Dr’s in a bit to see if I can change it so hopefully it will go well! What medication do you take? 🙂 x

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        1. Hi, I thought I replied, like my blog post scatterbrain lol. Yes I am on meds, fair amount. I use to be on amitriptyline, not been prescribed on the others you’ve mentioned. Hope ya medication has been sorted 😉 xx


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